Winter is here. No, not me, the season. I welcome it with mixed feelings.

I was born in winter, so maybe that’s why I feel a certain affinity with it. As much as I love long days of sunshine and late summer evenings spent in fields, forests and oceans, there is something familiar and comforting about wrapping myself in wool, burying my hands in cashmere wristwarmers and keeping the kettle on auto-boil every five minutes for all the Chai and oat milk lattes (often with a splash of Baileys, yes – because, you know, it’s Christmas…).

Oh, and, fairy lights. Fighting the darkness with excessive twinkle is a foolproof formula.

Tonight, I walked my dog up to the top of the town. I have always loved watching a city from afar, the way it twinkles with life and possibility. (This is certainly a recurring wonder in The Colours We See.) Above me, a hazy sky revealed a few bashful stars and the odd planet – Mars is particularly rosy and radiant this November. And the golden half moon, always there to remind us we’re not alone, looked smudged with Vaseline like a romantic scene in an old movie.

A waxing moon and the end of 2020 seems like a promising time. My book baby is soon to be born, and it feels like life is opening up. As Hazel says at the beginning of her great adventure:

“My blood rushed through my veins like a flood after the thaw, and I wanted to dive in and let myself be taken wherever that whirling meltwater wanted to flow. The great big universe was infinite and beckoning, and I was at the precipice, ready and willing to jump.

I hope you’re feeling the same, and that you’re staying safe, warm and bright this winter.

Keep those fairy lights on. Keep twinkling in the dark.

For updates on posts, giveaways, events and random tidbits from my life, follow me on Instagram HERE. I’d love to see you there

“It was time. I had to see who I could be outside those walls.”

THE COLOURS WE SEE is available in ebook and paperback on Amazon.

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